Escort: Kindle Sweepstakes

For those of you who have had an interest in my book Escort, but thought it was a little pricey…know that the Kindle edition has been price reduced to $2.99.

In celebration of that, and the fact that we’re trying to build our subscriber base on Samurai Gaiden, I’ve decided to open a sweepstakes.  All you have to do to enter is follow the link below and watch our video on Valentine’s Day in Japan.

Good luck to those who enter and congrats for the lucky winner!  If you don’t win, feel free to buy a copy for yourself!


New Samurai Gaiden Channel!

With the new year starting we have decided to create a new Samurai Gaiden channel, specifically for our Samurai Gaiden videos.  You can learn more about the reasoning by watching either, or both, of these two videos:

New Samurai Gaiden Channel


Update on What we’re doing with the old DickJutsu channel:

We hope this will help to be more productive and enjoyable to all our fans!


Escort Anniversary


In case you don’t remember, the book cover on the right side of the page will lead you to a place where you can buy Rich’s book.

Okay, so this should be my last comic for now.  I’m going to try to work on making some new backgrounds and stories for the comics while on hiatus.  I look forward to making new comics for everyone!


DJ Comic: Hiatus


And this is why I picked the holidays.

This year went by really fast.  I feel like I just started making these last month.  I have a few ideas of what I want to do next with the comics, but I’m not totally sure yet.  I should hopefully have something up and ready to go some time in May.

Thanks to everyone who stuck with me through the year!


DJ Comic: March Holidays Part 5


I can’t stand pecans.  I don’t think I’m actually allergic, but every time I eat them I get sick to my stomach.  But waffles are awesome… as long as there are no pecans in them.

See, I’m not the only one who’s a perv!

Hopefully it will be nice enough soon for a walk in the park.


DJ Comic: March Holidays Part 4


Hell yeah!  Four panels got accepted for Tekko!  I’m super nervecited and I’m not even the one running the panels!

I guess I could let Rich have one day to himself.  Just one though.

Well, at least I look good with green hair.


DJ Comic: March Holidays Part 3


Sometimes you forget how fun it is to blow and pop bubbles.  Or just blow the bubbles and then watch them float away; it’s very relaxing.

On the rare occasion that I do need my middle name I have to look at my driver’s license.

I can’t wait to start planting my own garden!


DJ Comic: March Holidays Extra!


Ha! Revenge is a dish best served in a box!


DJ Comic: March Holidays Part 2


Rich and I don’t have to much of an age gap, but it always makes Rich feel a lot older than he is when he starts talking about things that I have either never heard about or seen.  And of course I poke a little fun at him for it, but it’s purely out of love!

I said it out of love, sheesh!

Does anyone really actually enjoy going to the dentist?


DJ Comic: March Holidays Part 1


I’m not too good with crafty stuff, but I still like to do it.  Rich is actually pretty good with it, though.  He can keep his hands steadier than mine and he can make some nice jewelry too.

Wow, it’s hard to believe I’ve been doing these comics for almost a year now.  March is the last month for the holiday comics.  I’ll be taking a month off from comics to try to figure out what I want to do with it next.  I still really haven’t decided what direction I want to go with it, to be honest.


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